Automation and Integration with Zabbix API

The course is designed to provide a detailed and in-depth study of Zabbix API functionality - like import host groups, generate reports, or integrate with other systems. Different use cases will be explained, from sending simple JSON RPC requests to writing complex scripts using python API wrapper.

The course is intended for students with advanced Zabbix knowledge who wants to extend Zabbix possibilities beyond the functionality offered by the Zabbix frontend.

Productos soportados Zabbix 6.0
Formato Clase
Tamaño del grupo In groups up to 10 persons
Duración 1 día
Requisitos del curso Ninguno

Acquired skills and knowledge

  • Start using Zabbix API and understand the scope of available API methods
  • How to benefit from Zabbix API and use it for integrating Zabbix with external systems
  • Filter the retrieved data by a variety of object properties
  • Sort the retrieved data
  • Use the available API flags to return a specific subset of collected entities
  • Automate the creation of Zabbix entities such as hosts, items, triggers and more
  • Create Bash, Perl and Python scripts to automate Zabbix workflows by using Zabbix API
  • Secure your environment by limiting the API methods available to a particular user role

Programa del curso

Día 1

Certificado de participación en el curso

There is no exam after the course, but every attendee gets an official Zabbix certificate.

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