• The Forums are the heart and soul of the Zabbix project. These are the place to leave comments on any Zabbix-related topic and call for various discussions. The Forums are frequented by Zabbix Developers, who assist Users in solving most challenging issues and answering most difficult questions.

  • Blogs reflect experiences and opinions of Zabbix Users and Zabbix Team members on latest versions of the monitoring solution, recent achievements, upcoming events and any other topics inclusive of Zabbix-unrelated stuff.

  • Zabbix Support System or its part available to the Community members represents a bug-tracker, where any Zabbix-related issues that demand the Developers attention can be registered and monitored for progress.

  • Zabbix Users Group was created for people who use Zabbix software for monitoring their environment. It is a convenient platform to meet Zabbix professionals.

  • Various local Telegram groups help to get in contact with the community and solve different issues very quickly.

  • Zabbix Facebook groups are very popular due to the ability to open new discussions, sharing screenshots and getting fast feedback.

  • The discord groups are designed to connect the local community users with the purpose of quick connection and immediate response.

  • Follow Zabbix Instagram accounts to get our latest news and discover what it's like being a Zabbixer.

  • The channel is quite popular and a great place to discuss any topics. It is very likely that some of Zabbix team members hang there. If you are behind a firewall, you may use FreeNode's WEB interface at https://web.libera.chat/

  • Collaborate together on integrations together with Zabbix community.

  • These mailing lists are intended for discussions and announcements concerning Zabbix.

  • Developers section is for everyone willing to follow development of next Zabbix versions and download latest pre-releases.

  • Watch the videos recorded by Zabbix worldwide users and learn best practices on how to deploy, set, and utilize Zabbix.

  • Join our translators community and help translate Zabbix into your native language. Make Zabbix available to millions of people around the world.

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